} from '~/components/primitives/hooks';
import { Portal as RNPPortal } from '~/components/primitives/portal';
import * as Slot from '~/components/primitives/slot';
} from '~/components/primitives/types';
import * as React from 'react';
type GestureResponderEvent,
interface IMenuContext extends MenubarRootProps {
triggerPosition: LayoutPosition | null;
setTriggerPosition: (triggerPosition: LayoutPosition | null) => void;
contentLayout: LayoutRectangle | null;
setContentLayout: (contentLayout: LayoutRectangle | null) => void;
const RootContext = React.createContext<IMenuContext | null>(null);
const Root = React.forwardRef<ViewRef, SlottableViewProps & MenubarRootProps>(
({ asChild, value, onValueChange, ...viewProps }, ref) => {
const nativeID = React.useId();
const [triggerPosition, setTriggerPosition] = React.useState<LayoutPosition | null>(null);
const [contentLayout, setContentLayout] = React.useState<LayoutRectangle | null>(null);
const Component = asChild ? Slot.View : View;
<Component ref={ref} {...viewProps} />
Root.displayName = 'RootMenubar';
function useRootContext() {
const context = React.useContext(RootContext);
throw new Error('Menubar compound components cannot be rendered outside the Menubar component');
const MenuContext = React.createContext<MenubarMenuProps | null>(null);
const Menu = React.forwardRef<ViewRef, SlottableViewProps & MenubarMenuProps>(
({ asChild, value, ...viewProps }, ref) => {
const Component = asChild ? Slot.View : View;
<Component ref={ref} role='menubar' {...viewProps} />
Menu.displayName = 'MenuMenubar';
function useMenuContext() {
const context = React.useContext(MenuContext);
throw new Error('Menubar compound components cannot be rendered outside the Menubar component');
const Trigger = React.forwardRef<PressableRef, SlottablePressableProps>(
({ asChild, onPress: onPressProp, disabled = false, ...props }, ref) => {
const triggerRef = useAugmentedRef({ ref });
const { value, onValueChange, setTriggerPosition } = useRootContext();
const { value: menuValue } = useMenuContext();
function onPress(ev: GestureResponderEvent) {
triggerRef.current?.measure((_x, _y, width, height, pageX, pageY) => {
setTriggerPosition({ width, pageX, pageY, height });
onValueChange(menuValue === value ? undefined : menuValue);
const Component = asChild ? Slot.Pressable : Pressable;
aria-disabled={disabled ?? undefined}
disabled={disabled ?? undefined}
aria-expanded={value === menuValue}
Trigger.displayName = 'TriggerMenubar';
* @warning when using a custom `<PortalHost />`, you will have to adjust the Content's sideOffset to account for nav elements like headers.
function Portal({ forceMount, hostName, children }: MenubarPortalProps) {
const menubar = useRootContext();
const menu = useMenuContext();
if (!menubar.triggerPosition) {
if (menubar.value !== menu.value) {
<RNPPortal hostName={hostName} name={`${menubar.nativeID}_portal`}>
<RootContext.Provider value={menubar} key={`RootContext_${menubar.nativeID}_portal_provider`}>
<MenuContext.Provider value={menu} key={`MenuContext_${menubar.nativeID}_portal_provider`}>
const Overlay = React.forwardRef<PressableRef, SlottablePressableProps & MenubarOverlayProps>(
({ asChild, forceMount, onPress: OnPressProp, closeOnPress = true, ...props }, ref) => {
const { value, onValueChange, setContentLayout, setTriggerPosition } = useRootContext();
function onPress(ev: GestureResponderEvent) {
const Component = asChild ? Slot.Pressable : Pressable;
return <Component ref={ref} onPress={onPress} {...props} />;
Overlay.displayName = 'OverlayMenubar';
* @info `position`, `top`, `left`, and `maxWidth` style properties are controlled internally. Opt out of this behavior by setting `disablePositioningStyle` to `true`.
const Content = React.forwardRef<ViewRef, SlottableViewProps & PositionedContentProps>(
const { value: menuValue } = useMenuContext();
const backHandler = BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', () => {
const positionStyle = useRelativePosition({
function onLayout(event: LayoutChangeEvent) {
if (value !== menuValue) {
const Component = asChild ? Slot.View : View;
style={[positionStyle, style]}
Content.displayName = 'ContentMenubar';
const Item = React.forwardRef<PressableRef, SlottablePressableProps & MenubarItemProps>(
{ asChild, textValue, onPress: onPressProp, disabled = false, closeOnPress = true, ...props },
const { onValueChange, setContentLayout, setTriggerPosition } = useRootContext();
function onPress(ev: GestureResponderEvent) {
const Component = asChild ? Slot.Pressable : Pressable;
accessibilityState={{ disabled: !!disabled }}
Item.displayName = 'ItemMenubar';
const Group = React.forwardRef<ViewRef, SlottableViewProps>(({ asChild, ...props }, ref) => {
const Component = asChild ? Slot.View : View;
return <Component ref={ref} role='group' {...props} />;
Group.displayName = 'GroupMenubar';
const Label = React.forwardRef<TextRef, SlottableTextProps>(({ asChild, ...props }, ref) => {
const Component = asChild ? Slot.Text : Text;
return <Component ref={ref} {...props} />;
Label.displayName = 'LabelMenubar';
value: string | undefined;
onValueChange: (value: string) => void;
const FormItemContext = React.createContext<FormItemContext | null>(null);
const CheckboxItem = React.forwardRef<
SlottablePressableProps & MenubarCheckboxItemProps
const { onValueChange, setTriggerPosition, setContentLayout, nativeID } = useRootContext();
function onPress(ev: GestureResponderEvent) {
const Component = asChild ? Slot.Pressable : Pressable;
<FormItemContext.Provider value={{ checked }}>
accessibilityState={{ disabled: !!disabled }}
CheckboxItem.displayName = 'CheckboxItemMenubar';
function useFormItemContext() {
const context = React.useContext(FormItemContext);
'CheckboxItem or RadioItem compound components cannot be rendered outside of a CheckboxItem or RadioItem component'
const RadioGroup = React.forwardRef<ViewRef, SlottableViewProps & MenubarRadioGroupProps>(
({ asChild, value, onValueChange, ...props }, ref) => {
const Component = asChild ? Slot.View : View;
<FormItemContext.Provider value={{ value, onValueChange }}>
<Component ref={ref} role='radiogroup' {...props} />
RadioGroup.displayName = 'RadioGroupMenubar';
type BothFormItemContext = Exclude<FormItemContext, { checked: boolean }> & {
const RadioItemContext = React.createContext({} as { itemValue: string });
const RadioItem = React.forwardRef<PressableRef, SlottablePressableProps & MenubarRadioItemProps>(
onValueChange: onRootValueChange,
const { value, onValueChange } = useFormItemContext() as BothFormItemContext;
function onPress(ev: GestureResponderEvent) {
const Component = asChild ? Slot.Pressable : Pressable;
<RadioItemContext.Provider value={{ itemValue }}>
aria-checked={value === itemValue}
disabled={disabled ?? false}
disabled: disabled ?? false,
checked: value === itemValue,
RadioItem.displayName = 'RadioItemMenubar';
function useItemIndicatorContext() {
return React.useContext(RadioItemContext);
const ItemIndicator = React.forwardRef<ViewRef, SlottableViewProps & ForceMountable>(
({ asChild, forceMount, ...props }, ref) => {
const { itemValue } = useItemIndicatorContext();
const { checked, value } = useFormItemContext() as BothFormItemContext;
if (itemValue == null && !checked) {
if (value !== itemValue) {
const Component = asChild ? Slot.View : View;
return <Component ref={ref} role='presentation' {...props} />;
ItemIndicator.displayName = 'ItemIndicatorMenubar';
const Separator = React.forwardRef<ViewRef, SlottableViewProps & MenubarSeparatorProps>(
({ asChild, decorative, ...props }, ref) => {
const Component = asChild ? Slot.View : View;
return <Component role={decorative ? 'presentation' : 'separator'} ref={ref} {...props} />;
Separator.displayName = 'SeparatorMenubar';
const SubContext = React.createContext<{
onOpenChange: (value: boolean) => void;
const Sub = React.forwardRef<ViewRef, SlottableViewProps & MenubarSubProps>(
({ asChild, defaultOpen, open: openProp, onOpenChange: onOpenChangeProp, ...props }, ref) => {
const nativeID = React.useId();
const [open = false, onOpenChange] = useControllableState({
defaultProp: defaultOpen,
onChange: onOpenChangeProp,
const Component = asChild ? Slot.View : View;
<Component ref={ref} {...props} />
Sub.displayName = 'SubMenubar';
function useSubContext() {
const context = React.useContext(SubContext);
throw new Error('Sub compound components cannot be rendered outside of a Sub component');
const SubTrigger = React.forwardRef<PressableRef, SlottablePressableProps & MenubarSubTriggerProps>(
({ asChild, textValue, onPress: onPressProp, disabled = false, ...props }, ref) => {
const { nativeID, open, onOpenChange } = useSubContext();
function onPress(ev: GestureResponderEvent) {
const Component = asChild ? Slot.Pressable : Pressable;
accessibilityState={{ expanded: open, disabled: !!disabled }}
SubTrigger.displayName = 'SubTriggerMenubar';
const SubContent = React.forwardRef<ViewRef, SlottableViewProps & ForceMountable>(
({ asChild = false, forceMount, ...props }, ref) => {
const { open, nativeID } = useSubContext();
const Component = asChild ? Slot.View : View;
return <Component ref={ref} role='group' aria-labelledby={nativeID} {...props} />;
SubContent.displayName = 'SubContentMenubar';
function onStartShouldSetResponder() {